Jun 2006 - EUTOU Final Event. The EUTOU has
fixed the Final Event that will be held in Hainan, China
on 12-15th June 2006. The final event forms part of Stage
7 of the EUTOU project. It will present the draft UTAP (Urban
Tourism Action Plan) and cover all technical issues raised
by the project. It is also programmed to officially open
the pedestrianisation of He Han Road, the result of the
EUTOU project's pilot action, at the event. The
dissemination will allow final comments to be made so that
the definitive UTAP can be prepared under EUTOU with the
purpose of attracting investment and ensuring proper
planning of Wuzhishan's waterfront regeneration over the
next`15 years. The event will be attended by community
representatives, politician representatives from China and
EU, as well as the actors and beneficiaries. Experts from
other organisations at national and international level,
notably the European Commission, italian ambassy,
international experts and China National Tourism
Administration are expected to be present at the event.
See the detailed agenda. Please would you like to contact
the EUTOU office if you require any further details on the
event and confirmation of attendance.
Nov 2005 - The Provincia di Avellino's EUTOU
ASSEMBLY Provincia di Avellino's EUTOU panel
exposition will be show in 16TH WTO GENERAL ASSEMBLY which
will take place in DAKAR (SENEGAL) from 25 NOV to 02 DEC
2005. Provincia considered this event as one of best place
to showed the aims and running results of Eutou project
due to the worldwide istututional delegation precences and
the coherence of conference themes with EUTOU one.
Nov 2005 - Hainain Province's EUTOU exposition at
China International Travel Mart 2005 Hainain
Province's EUTOU exposition will be present in Kunming
International Convention & Exhibition Centre (China) from
24 to 27 november 2005. Eutou panels and brouscure will be
hosted in Hainain Province stand located into pad 6 stand
May 2005 - Carry out local dissemination in Provincia di
Avellino According with the project scheduled
activities, it has been scheduled local consultation and
dissemination actions on May, 26th and 27th in Avellino
municipality and Atripalda city to show how the EUTOU
experience and research into best practices can contribute
to the upgrading of the waterfront and local development.
On 26th will be held a public meeting focused on
decentralized cooperation. Speakers will be consultant of
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the director of
Regional Agency for the internationalization of companies,
as well as representatives from University, Italian local
partner. On 27th May, will be held a technical meeting on
sustainable use of environmental resources and tourism
development, focusing on the planning for the waterfront
upgrading. Will attend the event Provincia di Avellino
Councillor for Environment and territory planning,
architect and tourism planner researcher from University
of Naples. and General Secretary of National Authority for
river management The event ties to the celebration of 30th
Anniversary of EU-China diplomatic relations and it will
offer the opportunity to promote the visibility of the all
EU Programmes and Projects. |
Jan, 2005 -
Consultation Event In next January, in Hainan
Island, it is scheduled an important week of work for all
the EUTOU partners: seminars, presentations, drafts,
meetings. Technical seminars will be held in Wuzhishan
City to consult with local actors and project
beneficiaries and a more general presentation of the
reccomendations will be made at interim consultation event
involving the local community. This event will be
supported by specialists form European partners who will
contribute with the presentations on key reccomendations
for waterfront regeneration and cultural tourism planning.
Representatives from the European Commission will also
awaited to attend. Besides, the 3rd International Steering
Committee Meeting and 3 Working Group Meetings will be
held at the end of the visit to discuss the conclusions
and organisation of future work in the next stage. |
July, 2004 -
Visit of European Partners to Hainan Island in February
2004 EUTOU project started on 1st January 2004,
in the next days (16-23 february) has been scheduled
a visit from Europe of Project Co-ordinator, Technical
adviser and expertise from Provincia di Avellino and
Cheshire County to Hainan Island in order to confirm the
understanding of objectives and work methods by all
partners and associate partners at the start of the
project. It will be the occasion to visit appointed sites
for works in Wuzhishan City (both the waterfront and other
cultural attractions in the town) as well as to go and see
the surrounding countryside, particularly the area around
Wuzhi Mountain. This will allow the project international
team to clearly appraise the potential of the area and the
key tourism products in Wuzhishan City. In that occasion
will be held the 1st International Steering Committee
Meeting in Haikou , which will confirm the objectives,
work programme and responsibilities of each partner, and
three International Working Group meetings, namely on
Urban/Waterfront Planning (WG A), Cultural Tourism
Planning (WG B) and Consultation and Implementation
Mechanisms (WG C). A partnership agreement defining the
technical and financial rights and obligations of each
member of the partnership is also envisaged to be discusse. |
July, 2004
- European Study Tour of
Best Practice 5-16 July 2004 Among the
planned initiatives of EUTOU project, in the first two
weeks of July (5-16) took place a Study Tour of best
practice in Europe of institutional representatives and
technical experts from Hainan Provincial Tourism
Administration, Hainan Tourism Planning Academy and
Wuzhishan Municiple Tourism Development Committee The tour
commenced with visits to Cheshire where the 2nd
International Steering Committee Meeting was held. This
reviewed the work carried out by partners in the first
stage of project. Visits to towns with waterfront
regeneration within North West England have been made.
Meetings have been organised with the key planning
authorities responsible for such regeneration To
complement the site visits a workshop on urban/waterfront
planning, organized by Cheshire County Council, took
place. to review relevant planning data collected in
Wuzhishan City, to discusse the case studies compiled
during Stage 2 During the second week (10-16 july) a visit
to the Provincia di Avellino was made, focussing on the
promotion of cultural tourism vis a vis waterfront
regeneration. Visits to Atripalda in the Campania Region,
as well as to other towns: Naples, Amalfi, Ravello,
Calitri, in where successful examples of cultural tourism
in cities can be observed and methods disseminated through
meetings with relevant tourism planning authorities and
various actors in cultural tourism. The Working Group
meetings on Cultural Tourism Planning and Consultation and
Implementation has assessed data collected during first
stage of project, discussed conclusions from site visits,
and determined best practice for Wuzhishan City. |
October, 2004 -
Technical visit of Italian experts to Wuzhishan in
November to draw up conceptual proposal for wat Technical
visit of Italian experts to Wuzhishan in November to draw
up conceptual proposal for waterfront upgrading, cultural
tourism planning and implementation procedures. It is
foreseen a technical visit and a short term stay of urban
and tourism experts from the Provincia di Avellino at
Wuzhishan on the next month in order to synergise the
baseline data related to the three core activities and the
examples and conclusions of best practice. The Italian
experts and the Chinese colleagues will work together to
draw up a series of plans on environmental, land use and
tourism planning proposal including maps, finally an urban
design scheme for the Nanshan river waterfront will be
devised. |
November, 2004 -PROVINCIA
di Avellino, as leading partner of Eutou project, is very
proud to announce its entry in the World Tourism
Organization as an Affiliate Member. The formal
ratification is expected in the next General Assembly,
which will be taking place in Senegal in December 2005,
where a qualified delegation of politicians from Provincia
di Avellino will attend the event. The affiliation of
Provincia di Avellino to WTO has been obtained thanks to
the merits acquired throught the international cooperation
activity, notably for the development of tourism in
depressed areas, like EUTOU project. Indeed, the action is
being carried out jointly with Italian Ministry of
Economics, Tourism Department, which is beeing supporting
the Provincia’s initiatives in the sustanaible tourism
sector. The fruitful cooperation with Ministry has been
realised through the presence of Mr Mauro Di Pietro at the
Eutou “International Workshop on cultural tourism
planning”, held in July 2004 in Avellino. Mr Di Pietro, as
delegate of Italian government within WTO and member of
World Committee of Tourism Ethics (WCTE), pointed out the
opportunity for Eutou partners to become member of WTO.
Provincia di Avellino accepted his invitation, as well as
the other EUTOU partners are working on the affiliation of
their country. As far as Provincia di Avellino, the WTO
Affiliate Member Status has been the output of the
administration efforts and energies lavished on developing
tourism, environmentally and socially sustanaible, to
upgrade local areas as well as to pursue economic and
social improvement through the tourism, a first output and
evidence of this hard work being the Eutou project itself.
For more information on World Toursim Organization and how
to apply for membership see:
December, 2004 - Now on-line the
maps and the summary of UTAP - Urban Tourism Action Plan
The maps of UTAP, prepared under the
EUTOU project by technical experts from Hainan Provincial
Tourism Administration, Provincia di Avellino and Cheshire
County Council are now avaible on :
A summary of the Interim Consultation Document is avaible
December 2004-
Consultation Event
2004: January
2005 In next January,
from 9th to 16th, in Hainan Island, will be held an
important week of work confirmation for all the EUTOU
partners: seminars, presentations of UTAP Urban Tourism
Action Plan draft, meetings. Technical seminars will be
held in Wuzhishan City to consult with local actors and
project beneficiaries and a more general presentation of
the reccomendations will be made at interim consultation
event involving the local community on Friday, 14th.This
event will be supported by specialists form European
partners who will contribute with the presentations on key
reccomendations for waterfront regeneration and cultural
tourism planning. Representatives from the European
Commission, Italian Ministry of Tourism will also expected
to attend. Besides, the 3rd International Steering
Committee Meeting and 3 Working Group Meetings will be
held at the end of the visit to discuss the conclusions
and organisation of future work in the next stage
December, 2004 -
Two new local partners join the Eutou project! Naples
University \"Federico II\" - Polo delle Scienze e delle
Tecnologie, Dipartimento di Configurazione e Attuazione
dell\'Architettura, Napoli ITALY and Autorità di Bacino
dei Fiumi Liri - Garigliano e Volturno, ITALY The first
local partner is Naples University, Department of
architecture shaping and building technology.It has being
cooperating with Provincia di Avellino since three years
in the drawing up of Urban Plan for the Provincial
coordination, providing surveys and studies on town
planning for the valorization of the cultural and tourist
resources. Role in the project: tourism planning activity,
providing the technical and scientific know-how, and
contributing to the analysis and data processing for the
assessment of urban and waterfront features The second
local partner: The River management National Authority has
strong experience and expertise in technical works and
interventions on river management and increasing in value
of concerned areas. In particular it has realised
environmental redevelopment works in Atripalda, a town
crossed by a river in Avellino countryside, with physical
features similar to those of Wuzhishan. Role in the
project: the River Authority will provide its experience
and expertice in waterfront regenaration and enhancement
of depressed areas using tourism as means of development.
27 December, 2004 - Agenda
for EUTOU Consultation Events in Hainan, January 9th to
15th 2005 Sunday 9th:
a.m. Travel to Haikou p.m Evening reception dinner hosted
by HPTA for EUTOU team. Monday 10th : a.m. 3rd
International Steering Group Meeting of EUTOU partners p.m
Travel to Wuzhishan City. Tuesday 11th: a.m.: Site Visit
to Wuzhishan waterfront (part of Waterfront Regeneration
Planning Seminar p.m.: Meeting with administrative
departments of Provincial and Wuzhishan Municipal
Government. Wednesday 12th : a.m.: Opening Ceremony and
Introduction (including address by EC) p.m.: Tourism
Planning Seminar with university professors and experts in
tourism from institutions of higher learning and academic
institutions. Travel to Shuiman Village (tourist
attraction in Wuzhishan environs). Stay overnight in
Shuiman village. Thursday 13th: a.m.: Visit to Wuzhishan
City surroundings and travel back to Wuzhishan City. p.m.:
Implementation and Consultation Seminar attended by
representatives from the related tourism enterprises and
ethnic minorities of Wuzhishan Municipality. Friday 14th :
a.m.: Main Consultation Event with local community
including address by EC as part of introduction speeches.
p.m.: Main Consultation continued followed by formal
closing dinner. Saturday 15th a.m.: Travel to Haikou p.m.:
Possible meeting and dinner with Hainan Provincial
Government in evening. Sunday 16th Travel back from Hainan.